Weekly Recap: App Installs, Googles Privacy Sandbox and Brand Safety


US App Installs and User Sessions 

Despite a drop in installs, overall good news for app revenue

Aligned with the overall global trend, as users remain at home, in-app consumer spend climbed by a further 16% this week and a substantial 78% since week 4 (Mar 17-23). Conversely, with the main peak happening in April, the non-organic install rate continues its fall, dropping 16% this week and 32% since week 4.

News drops in sessions

As coronavirus dominates news headlines, no news might be the best news for saturated readers. The last two weeks were not the first to see a drop in interest; app usage was down 15% since week 4 following a 22% jump in previous weeks; the number of new users plummeted (NOI -80% and organic -40%).

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Google’s Privacy Sandbox update 

Precise targeting without cookiesGoogle is ready to start the trial of its Privacy Sandbox which will replace the third-party cookie in Chrome. Rather than using a pseudonymous identifier for each individual user, instead, machine learning algorithms will be used to group people into audience segments based on their behavior. Advertisers will then target users in the RTB ecosystem, based on common interests,

These experiments will require the collaboration of DSPs, SSPs, and other adtech parties. Updates to follow! 

Google’s Privacy Sandbox comprises of five main browser APIs: Trust Token API, The Privacy Budget API, Conversion Measurement API ,Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), & Two Uncorrelated Requests, Then Locally-Executed Decision on Victory (TURTLEDOVE)

Brand Safety Woes

The current situation has led to a new and unfamiliar health ad market, meanwhile brands have accelerated their push for brand safety and users have also become more perceptive consciously or not of brand safety issues. 
Bad actors’ newfound ease of access to premium inventory, coupled with publishers’ scramble to fill in the face of reduced spending from trusted advertising partners, has increased security risks for publishers.
Important Insights: Since the beginning of 2020
  • There has been an 85% increase in security risks
  • 200% increase in ads related to face masks
Alisha is a Technology Writer and Marketing Manager at GeoEdge. Her writing focuses on current events in the AdTech ecosystem and cyberattacks served through the digital advertising supply chain. You can find Alisha on LinkedIn to discuss brand building and happenings in AdTech.

Malvertising, the practice of sprinkling malicious code into legitimate-looking ads is growing more sophisticated. GeoEdge’s holistic ad quality solution has you covered.


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