GeoEdge and TAG’s Joint Anti-Malware Mission


 As a result of GeoEdge’s ongoing commitment to increasing trust and transparency in digital advertising, GeoEdge has been recognized as a TAG Certified Malware Detection Vendor.

As malvertisers become more cunning and continue to plague the digital advertising ecosystem, industry stakeholders simultaneously continue to practice ineffective malware prevention practices and adopt inefficient tools to secure their supply chains. This is where The Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) has stepped in. TAG provides companies with a roadmap for taking on the complicated issue of malvertising and a stamp of approval for trusted TAG certified malware detection vendors.

By completing TAG’s rigorous certification process, GeoEdge has demonstrated its leadership in adopting industry-leading standards to fight malware and malvertising, a vital part of our collaborative efforts to fight criminal activity in digital advertising. We look forward to continuing to work with GeoEdge to raise the bar for our industry and protect our supply chain from these types of threats.”- Mike Zaneis TAG CEO.

The Anti-Malware Mission 

The dangers of malware are nearly as old as computers themselves, but the weight and responsibility of mitigating malicious activity is a relatively new one.

As malvertisers are increasingly slipping through the programmatic net, GeoEdge empowers platforms to gain control of all ads served via their platform to prevent malicious or bad ads from reaching their publishers and supply partners. Our protection speaks to the supply-side, while serving the demand-side by helping publishers reach a quality-standard. Publishers across the industry rely on GeoEdge to safeguard their ad inventory by identifying and blocking any suspicious activity, malicious and low-quality ads from reaching their audience.

In efforts to advance our mission to protect the integrity of the digital advertising ecosystem and create a safer experience for publishers users, GeoEdge has attained vendor certification in global initiatives like TAG’s Certified Against Malware Program and the IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework.

Trusted by 450+ Publishers and Platforms, GeoEdge protects the programmatic ecosystem with multiple detection engines that examine the ad’s underlying code. Our unique machine learning algorithm is comprised of a dozen mechanisms including de-obfuscation and anti-cloaking capabilities that analyze code through both the cyber and social engineering perspective. To protect against a compromised delivery path, our post-click malware protection guards publishers users against all compromised URLs along the delivery path.

About the TAG Certified Against Malware Program

TAG —supported by the IAB, launched its Certified Against Malware Program in 2016 to provide companies with a roadmap to combat malware effectively across the digital advertising supply chain.

TAG’s anti-malware efforts have been led by the organization’s Anti-Malware Working Group, which includes nearly 50 companies and organizations involved in the fight against malware. The TAG Anti-Malware Working Group developed and maintains the Certified Against Malware Guidelines, as well as a suite of anti-malware and information-sharing tools. TAG has also collaborated with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Justice, and Federal Bureau of Investigation on its anti-malware efforts.

Certified Against Malware Seal

According to Mike Zaneis, CEO of TAG, “Effective certification programs set a high bar for compliance and then raise that bar each year, so participating companies must continuously improve their standards and maintain best practices”. To obtain a TAG Certified Against Malware Seal, companies must comply with a rigorous set of guidelines related to their specific roles in the digital advertising supply chain, including the adoption of TAG’s Best Practices For Scanning Malware.

Duties include:

  • Documenting appropriate points of contact at partner companies,
  • Documenting malware scanning responsibilities,
  • Scanning a reasonable percentage of total inventory,
  • Establishing a procedure for defining Red Flag events and handling of standard malware incidents,
  • Designating an anti-malware contact,
  • Establishing a formal post-mortem process for Red Flag malware incidents and reviewing this process semi-annually.

For additional detail on GeoEdge’s certification Search the TAG Registry. The TAG Registry is the database of record for the entire TAG Community, which includes more than 600 of the world’s largest and most influential brands, agencies, publishers, and ad tech providers. Here you can quickly screen and qualify industry partners and check for their TAG membership status and TAG certifications.  

To join the initiative and begin the application process for TAG Registration and TAG’s seal programs visit the TAG website.

Solutions Beyond Security 

GeoEdge is proud to support platforms and publishers by guarding their businesses against malicious activity and remains committed to leading industry-wide efforts to identify and mitigate malware in the digital ad ecosystem. We’re committed to not only identifying and blocking ad security and quality issues when they emerge but to tailor our service and response to the needs of individual businesses.

Verify that your ad inventory is malware-free and eliminate malware before it starts costing you.

Get started with a Malware Risk Assessment- just ask!


Alisha is a Technology Writer and Marketing Manager at GeoEdge. Her writing focuses on current events in the AdTech ecosystem and cyberattacks served through the digital advertising supply chain. You can find Alisha on LinkedIn to discuss brand building and happenings in AdTech.

Malvertising, the practice of sprinkling malicious code into legitimate-looking ads is growing more sophisticated. GeoEdge’s holistic ad quality solution has you covered.


450+ Publishers & Platforms